
Welcome to Live Life Creative, the podcast to help you break down your creative barriers and be inspired to create your best work yet – and love it!

If you’re tired of being stuck in a creative rut, but you can’t seem to break out on your own, I know that feeling: frustrated, angry, maybe even a little nervous (or worse) because your income relies on your creativity.

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I’m Dylan Kraayenbrink, host of Live Life Creative, and I want to help you break through those barriers holding you back, because the world needs to hear, read, or watch what you have to say.

I’ve been stuck in my own work many times. Sometimes I can work out of it on my own, but far more times I’ve needed the help of friends and mentors to get back to creating awesome stuff. (For me, that’s audio and photography.)

That’s why I created this podcast for you. We’ll have conversations together and with other creatives on what’s held them back from creating great work before and what they did to break out of a creative sinkhole.

So, don’t just stay stuck and end up hating the passion you once loved and abandoning it.

Subscribe and listen to each episode, put in to practice what you hear, and get back to creating awesome videos, podcasts, blog posts – whatever you do! – and LOVE it again.

Because we all should Live Life Creative.